Tổng hội y học Việt Nam

Viện y học ứng dụng Việt Nam
ứng dụng y học vì sức khỏe người việt nam


The health information website of the Vietnam Institute of Applied Medical vienyhocungdung.vn is developed by leading Vietnamese health experts and refined from reputable health websites in Vietnam and in the world with the goal to provide health, medical, scientific, reliable, useful and applicable information to every citizen in daily life.

We hope that health information website vienyhocungdung.vnis a friend of every family in the health care of each member, because health is the most valuable and important factor to family to be happy.

Find out what you care about in the health information of this web site. We will be glad to know that you use the information we share to improve the health of yourself and your loved ones.

Whenever you need more information, please tell us at info@viam.vn, we will update the information you are interested in the soonest as the health care of Vietnamese is the purpose that we aim to.

For more specific information, please click here 

Thank you for your interest!

General information


Short name: VIAM

Board of Directors


    Truong Hong Son, PhD.MD


    HOANG THI THANH, Assoc.Prof, PhD.MD


    Nguyen Xuan Ninh, Assoc.Prof, PhD.MD


    Master Truong Manh Linh

Science Council

The scientific council consists of members who are leading scientists and experts in the field of medical research and health. The Scientific Council is responsible for advising and consulting for the Director on the development of the Institute's scientific and technological orientation and strategies; Providing consultancy on science and technology when approving scientific research protocols; To organize the pre-acceptance test and evaluation of scientific and technological subjects and projects; To comment on major projects and projects as requested by the Institute. Chairman of the Scientific Council: Associate Professor, Doctor Nguyen XuanNinh and Professors, PhDs are invited, according to specific subjects.

Institutional Review Board (IRB):

Institutional Review Board members are honest, objective, experienced in the field of biomedical research to protect the interests of research subjects and researchers. Chairman of Institutional Review Board: Assoc. Prof. PhD. MD. Pham Van Hoan and members are invited to participate in specific discriplines.

Funtions and Fields of Activity


A team of scientists, experts with expertise and dedication to research, apply, consult,implement scientific and technological services and international cooperation in the field of medicine and health services.

Product research and implementation

• Research on pharmaceutical formulas, food

• Analyze pharmaceuticals and food stuffs based on scientific evidence in the world and in Vietnam

• Clinical trials, evaluation of the effectiveness of pharmaceutical products, food products

• Providing scientific and technological services: consultancy, research and technology transfer.

Health education communication

Organizing scientific seminars with the participation of scientific organizations, pharmaceutical companies, food companies...

Taking professional responsibility for health television programs in cooperation with television and media companies

• "Golden handbook for health" program - VTV3
• "Share with us" program - VTV2
• Program "Understanding the correct disease treatment" – VTV3

Website Editorial Board of vienyhocungdung.vn:

Overall responsibility: Truong Hong Son,PhD.MD 

Board members

Tran Thu Nguyet, MD.Dr
Pham Van Hoan – Assoc. Prof. PhD.MD
Nguyen Xuan Ninh - Assoc. Prof. PhD.MD
Truong ManhLinh – Bachelor.
Pham Van Chien –Bachelor.
Nguyen Ha Thanh
Luu Lien Huong, BPH
Nguyen Ngoc Dung, BPH
Dao Ngoc, Dr
Tran Manh- Journalist
Vu Thu Hang - Journalist
Nguyen The Vo, Dr,
Le Viet Anh, MPH
Ho Ngoc Ha– Bachelor
Le Thanh Ha, MPH
andother experts and collaborators.

The VietnamInstitute of Applied Medicine is also responsible for the professional content, sponsored content for website: thuviensuckhoe.vn.

Medical examination and health counseling

The VIAM Clinic of VietnamInstitute of Applied Medicine is comprised of the leading experts in nutrition and pediatrics in Vietnam. Principles of Nutritional Counseling at VIAM Nutrition Clinic are Details and Effective Application. The VIAM Clinic equipments are the most modern ones. Here you can check overall health from weight, height, body fat percentage, fat layer thickness, fat mass, bone mass, basic metabolism, bone density ...

At the VIAM Clinic, you are also evaluated your diet you applied in detail, in terms of Calories, Protein, Glucid, Lipids, Vitamins and Minerals by Vietnam Institute of Applied Medicine exclussive software. Only after 20 minutes, you can know the strengths and weaknesses of your diet in order to adjust accordingly.

The current, safe and high-speed test system will give you a result after 20 minutes test score.

And you will be consulted by experts who are Associate Professors PhDs, leading associate in Nutrition and Pediatrics.

VIAM Nutrition Clinic: Top quality nutrition clinics in Vietnam.


• Conduct in-service training courses to improve professional knowledge, disseminate knowledge in the field of medicine.
  • • Organize links with research institutes, universities at home and abroad to exchange experiences, research and training at undergraduate and graduate in the health related fields.